Whole Body Wellness
Ambry Health
About Me
From an allergy prone asthmatic to a thriving middle aged woman. By sourcing out the problem, altering my lifestyle and incorporating microcurrent therapy I will never look back.
My goal is to help others along their health journey. Whether you are dealing with food allergies (I have a lot of experience with that) or cooking & baking for those allergies (again lots of experience here) or simply trying to improve overall health and well being. I can help you. Certified in acupressure and microcurrent therapy, I can help you look and feel good. I can balance your meridians, enhance tissue repair, provide needle free acupuncture, activate pain management and provide non surgical facelifts.
Ambry Health is now offering Red Light Therapy to further support you health and wellness goals.

My Story
I have struggled with allergies my entire life. Environmental, dust, animal and foods. Since I was six years old I was diagnosed as being asthmatic. For years I would use my inhaler almost uncontrollably and could not get my asthma under control. It was not until recently that I discovered an allergy to corn. This allergy causes breathing problems for me. Breathing problems that cannot be fixed with an inhaler. As soon as I stopped eating corn my breathing improved and my need for an inhaler ended. My allergist diagnosed me as no longer asthmatic. At 40 years old! I don't know the stats but I think that is quite rare. Beyond changing my diet - incorporating microcurrent technology, acupressure and red light therapy has helped me to heal as well as manage many of my symptoms. It has improved my outward appearance, my immunity and my inner wellbeing too. Now I want to help others do the same.